Saturday, July 31, 2010

Garden Design Beginnings Part II

So the rain did arrive since the last posting! I think I will now clarify my desire for rain as the following: Rain fall in reasonable amounts a few times per week would be lovely.
The questions we asked ourselves to begin our Garden Design Process were:
What Do I like? Why? What am I attracted to in this landscape? Why?
Hopefully you have had a chance to apply these questions in your travels, reading, HGT viewings and have discovered some answers:) How exciting! I still find things I like and want to incorporate, this beginning stage may never end. I believe we uncover parts of ourselves in the process, and our appreciation and gratitude for beauty and nature expands. You  may also meet new people and discover they have something to share or offer. Last year I noticed a neighbor had some bulbs that were growing in the middle of her lawn. I stopped and knocked on her door. I met a lovely lady and she shared some info about her life and her bulbs with me!
Step two: let's consider five senses~ sight, smell, touch, taste and sound.
Starting with Sight we are going to focus on color~ our eyes are constantly taking in images and words, the brain always processing this information and feelings and emotions arise from this stimulus. Color has an enormous impact on our psyche. Certain colors can elicit particular feelings and state of being; however, we are each unique so our personal perception is at play here too. Can you see how gardening can be a means of self discovery?
So let's take the colors of the rainbow this week to see what colors your attracted to, what does it feel like in your body when you see Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet? What thoughts? Memories? Associations arise for each color?
Next blog will include some feeling states of the Rainbow colors and what adding the particular colors to your garden could bring about for you!

Rachel Griffith has a degree in Landscape Design, is a Certified 500 hour Yoga instructor and is a lead designer with Nautilus Garden Designs in Hampton Roads

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